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Search Results: BRCA

Showing 12 out of 265 results
Microscopic image of core biopsy for infiltrating (invasive) ductal carcinoma, detected by screening mammogram

Our researchers have published a paper showing that their alternative BRCA testing pathway, BRCA-DIRECT, could be a more convenient way to test for faulty BRCA genes in people with breast cancer Our researchers have published a paper showing that their alternative BRCA testing pathway, BRCA-DIRECT, could be a more convenient way to test for faulty BRCA genes in people with breast cancer

by Fiona Scott | News | 1 October 2024

1 October 2024

Radiographer looking at a mammogram image

Since the discovery of the BRCA genes 30 years ago, we’ve made huge leaps forward in understanding faulty BRCA-driven cancers – leaps that are saving and improving lives right now​. Since the discovery of the BRCA genes 30 years ago, we’ve made huge leaps forward in understanding faulty BRCA-driven cancers – leaps that are saving and improving lives right now​.

by Amy Warnock | In depth | 1 October 2024

1 October 2024

  • Science & Technology
  • Health & Medicine

Discovering the BRCA2 gene – 25 years on

25 years ago, a team of our scientists were celebrating. Their risky strategy had paid off. 25 years ago, a team of our scientists were celebrating. Their risky strategy had paid off.

by Katie Roberts | Analysis | 14 January 2021

14 January 2021

A drug could help slow the progression of some advanced ovarian cancers and extend the time that patients show no signs of disease, according to new research. A drug could help slow the progression of some advanced ovarian cancers and extend the time that patients show no signs of disease, according to new research.

by In collaboration with PA Media Group | News | 24 October 2018

24 October 2018

In the news this week: New global cancer figures revealed and a study sheds new light on which faults in the BRCA1 gene could increase cancer risk. In the news this week: New global cancer figures revealed and a study sheds new light on which faults in the BRCA1 gene could increase cancer risk.

by Katie Roberts | Analysis | 15 September 2018

15 September 2018

Female patient talking with nurse

Our scientists have found that faults in BRCA genes don’t affect survival in young women with breast cancer, which could help inform treatment decisions. Our scientists have found that faults in BRCA genes don’t affect survival in young women with breast cancer, which could help inform treatment decisions.

by Cancer Research UK | News | 11 January 2018

11 January 2018