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Enabling promising postdocs to become the global research leaders of tomorrow

by Cancer Research UK | Research Feature

26 March 2019

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This post is 5 years old, so some information may be outdated

Funded in partnership with AACR, our new Transatlantic Fellowships provide high-potential early career researchers with a unique opportunity to accelerate their careers. The Fellowships offer £300,000/$400,000 over four years to support recently graduated PhDs and early career postdocs to develop as independent researchers at top institutions in the UK and US.

Newly graduated PhDs are at a pivotal moment in their career, with an array of possibilities opening up before them. We want to ensure that the most promising postdocs seize this opportunity to fast-track their careers and become the global cancer research leaders of tomorrow. The AACR–Cancer Research UK Transatlantic Research Fellowships provide the financial support, intellectual freedom and geographic mobility to make this ambition a reality.

Margaret FotiThe Transatlantic Fellowships offer promising postdocs a unique combination of support to realize their career goals and freedom to unleash their potential. Our strategic alliance with Cancer Research UK means that we can provide an exceptional opportunity on an international scale.

—Margaret Foti, PhD, MD (hc), CEO, American Association for Cancer Research


Under this programme, Fellows are encouraged to embrace a level of independence beyond their peers, broadening their research horizons and establishing their own research programme in either the UK (if US-based) or US (if UK-based). Fellows are welcome to pursue a cancer research field of their choice and to move between institutions as their research programme develops.

Dr Iain Foulkes Supporting the next generation of cancer researchers is vital to our vision to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured. The AACR–Cancer Research UK Transatlantic Fellowships provide a unique platform to shape the global cancer research leaders of tomorrow.

—Iain Foulkes, Executive Director, Research and Innovation, Cancer Research UK


We’re pleased to fund the Fellowships in partnership with AACR; as the leading funders of cancer research on either side of the Atlantic, we are uniquely poised to foster international scientific collaboration. Our strategic alliance with AACR will enable a cohort of Fellows to build a transatlantic network of collaborators that will form the bedrock of their careers and nurture future scientific engagement across boundaries. 

AACR–CRUK Transatlantic Research Fellowships

Grant £300,000 (UK to US) or $400,000 (US to UK)
3 fellowships per country
Duration 4 years
Eligibility UK- or US-based
No or limited postdoctoral experience
UK applicants are expected to undertake the greater part of their research in the US
US applicants are expected to undertake the greater part of their research in the UK
Application deadline 25 July 2019
Interviews Early December 2019
Fellowships begin 1 February 2020

Find out more about how to apply


Professor Karen Vousden

Karen Vousden

Chief Scientist, Cancer Research UK