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Policy & Insight

Read our latest policy articles as well as insights from thought leaders in cancer research
Showing 12 out of 63 results
4 cigarettes in a pile

Alice Wiseman, Director of Public Health for Gateshead and Association of Directors of Public Health Board Member, explains why she believes the Government need to commit to a tobacco-free future for the next generation Alice Wiseman, Director of Public Health for Gateshead and Association of Directors of Public Health Board Member, explains why she believes the Government need to commit to a tobacco-free future for the next generation

by Alice Wiseman | Opinion | 30 June 2023

30 June 2023

The Scottish Flag flying near Loch Ness

Dr Sorcha Hume, Cancer Research UK’s public affairs manager in Scotland, describes how Scotland's new cancer strategy has the potential to transform a cancer system that’s letting patients down.  Dr Sorcha Hume, Cancer Research UK’s public affairs manager in Scotland, describes how Scotland's new cancer strategy has the potential to transform a cancer system that’s letting patients down. 

by Sorcha Hume | Opinion | 16 June 2023

16 June 2023

Our Chief Executive

Our CEO Michelle Mitchell writes about how cancer care in the UK is a fixable problem, and outlines the important next steps to get to where we want to be Our CEO Michelle Mitchell writes about how cancer care in the UK is a fixable problem, and outlines the important next steps to get to where we want to be

by Michelle Mitchell | Opinion | 23 May 2023

23 May 2023

Elliot Colburn MP, and Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Cancer, on why he supports Cancer Research UK’s work on a Manifesto for Cancer Research and Care – a blueprint which aims to help transform cancer care in this country Elliot Colburn MP, and Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Cancer, on why he supports Cancer Research UK’s work on a Manifesto for Cancer Research and Care – a blueprint which aims to help transform cancer care in this country

by Elliot Colburn MP | Opinion | 9 May 2023

9 May 2023

A patient receiving radiotherapy

On the back of a recent survey, our new policy position statement on radiotherapy turns patient experiences into recommendations for the Government and the NHS. On the back of a recent survey, our new policy position statement on radiotherapy turns patient experiences into recommendations for the Government and the NHS.

by Mads Thomsen | Opinion | 4 May 2023

4 May 2023

Headshot of Owen Jackson

As the UK political parties prepare themselves for the forthcoming election, we want them to choose to make transforming cancer outcomes a priority – our Manifesto for Cancer Research and Care will provide a blueprint for them to do this.  As the UK political parties prepare themselves for the forthcoming election, we want them to choose to make transforming cancer outcomes a priority – our Manifesto for Cancer Research and Care will provide a blueprint for them to do this. 

by Owen Jackson | Opinion | 20 April 2023

20 April 2023

While today's speech from Neil O'Brien MP was a welcome positive first step in the right direction, the UK Government has missed a key opportunity to get us back on track to achieving a Smokefree 2030 While today's speech from Neil O'Brien MP was a welcome positive first step in the right direction, the UK Government has missed a key opportunity to get us back on track to achieving a Smokefree 2030

by Alizee Froguel | Opinion | 11 April 2023

11 April 2023

Photograph of a crushed cigarette

Ian Walker covers the inequalities associated with smoking, as well as outlining how the Government could take steps to make the UK smokefree. Ian Walker covers the inequalities associated with smoking, as well as outlining how the Government could take steps to make the UK smokefree.

by Ian Walker | Opinion | 31 March 2023

31 March 2023

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Ian Walker on smoking
a person snapping a cigarette in half
  • Health & Medicine
  • Policy & Insight

Dr Ian Walker on Smoking: ‘A political no-brainer'

Ian Walker describes how with swift political action we could prevent thousands of cancer deaths every year. Ian Walker describes how with swift political action we could prevent thousands of cancer deaths every year.

by Ian Walker | Opinion | 24 March 2023

24 March 2023

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Ian Walker on smoking
a smoking cigarette

Ian Walker reminds us why we need to keep our ‘pedal to the metal’ when it comes to further government policy intervention on smoking tobacco Ian Walker reminds us why we need to keep our ‘pedal to the metal’ when it comes to further government policy intervention on smoking tobacco

by Ian Walker | Opinion | 17 March 2023

17 March 2023

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Ian Walker on smoking
Image of Jeremy Hunt holding the red budget briefcase

Ian Caleb, Cancer Research UK's Public Affairs Manager (Westminster), gives his reaction to the spring budget from Jeremy Hunt, MP. Ian Caleb, Cancer Research UK's Public Affairs Manager (Westminster), gives his reaction to the spring budget from Jeremy Hunt, MP.

by Ian Caleb | Opinion | 15 March 2023

15 March 2023