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Fake cigarette packs present MPs with life-saving choice

by Cancer Research UK | News

14 February 2006

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This post is 19 years old, so some information may be outdated

Strict Embargo: 00:01hrs Monday February 13, 2006

Today (Monday 13 February 2006) all MPs will receive a fake cigarette pack bearing a very real health warning: SECONDHAND SMOKE KILLS BAR WORKERS.

Sent by Cancer Research UK to coincide with tomorrow’s Health Bill vote, the fictitious brand, ‘Your Choice’, will bring home the life-saving impact MPs’ votes could have. Workers will continue to die needlessly unless they back a comprehensive smokefree law without exemptions.

The Government has given MPs three options: to vote for the original proposals, which exempt private member’s clubs and pubs that do not serve food; to exempt private member’s clubs only; or to vote for a comprehensive smokefree law for all workplaces, including all pubs and private members’ clubs.

To spell out why a comprehensive law is the only viable option, Cancer Research UK has filled the packs with mock cigarette cards outlining the major arguments and dispelling persistent myths.

Professor Alex Markham, chief executive of Cancer Research UK, said: “The message couldn’t be any louder or clearer. Our cigarette packets drive home the message that making all workplaces – including private members’ clubs – smokefree without exemption is the only sensible option. One bar worker a week dies from exposure to secondhand smoke and anything other than a comprehensive law would allow this needless waste of life to continue.

“It’s a disgrace that bar workers and the general public in England might not enjoy the same rights to health as those in Scotland and Northern Ireland. We call on all MPs to seize this monumental opportunity to improve the health of the country and vote for a comprehensive smokefree law.”

Any partial law is widely acknowledged to be unworkable, safeguarding the health of some workers while leaving many of those who are most at risk unprotected. And repeated polls have shown that more than 70 per cent of people support a comprehensive smokefree law.

Workers’ health should be at the heart of the new law. Secondhand smoke is a health and safety risk, increasing the overall chance of developing lung cancer and heart disease by almost 25 per cent. Current proposals leave thousands of workers unprotected and many pubs, particularly those in poorer areas, could stop serving food to allow smoking to continue.

Private members’ clubs are workplaces too and all employees deserve an equal right to protection from secondhand smoke at work. There are over 20,000 private members’ clubs in England and Wales, including working men’s clubs, golf clubs and leisure centres.

The tobacco lobby and some sectors of the hospitality industry often claim that going smokefree will damage profits. But the objective evidence does not support this. No independent peer reviewed study has ever found a significant negative economic impact and a review of smokefree laws across Europe shows that they do not damage profits.


For media enquiries please contact Sophy Gould on 020 7061 8318, or, out-of-hours, the duty press officer on 07050 264 059.

  1. Report of the Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health. Department of Health, 1998.
  2. Secondhand smoke: review of evidence since 1988: update of evidence on health effects of secondhand smoke. London: Department of Health, 2004.
  3. Health Select Committee Report: Smoking in Public Places: HC 485-1 December 2005. See
  4. Joint ASH/Cancer Research UK survey of pubs and bars. Carried out by IFF Research Ltd, September 2005. See
  5. Department for Culture, Media and Sport statistical bulletin on liquor licensing, England and Wales, July 2003 – June 2004.
  6. Joint Lords/Commons Committee on Human Rights sixth report. 11 January, 2006. See
  7. BMRB Poll: attitudes to smoking in the workplace, January 2005 See
  8. Joint ASH/Cancer Research UK Smokefree Omnibus survey, July 2005. See
  9. Joint ASH/Cancer Research UK Smokefree YouGov survey, December 2005. See
  10. Presentation from Siri Naesheim, Norwegian Directorate for Health and Social Affairs. The Norwegian smoking ban: update and impact. Cancer Research UK International Expert meeting on smokefree policies. March 2005. See
  11. The National Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research. Smokefree bars and restaurants in Norway, 2005. (Prepared by Marianne Lund, SIRUS. See
  12. Valerie Robinson, Office of Tobacco Control, Ireland. The Irish Smoking Ban: update and impact. Cancer Research UK International Expert meeting on smokefree policies. March 2005. See
  13. Office of Tobacco Control, Ireland. Smoke-free workplaces in Ireland. A one-year review, March 2005.
  14. Joint ASH/Cancer Research UK Smokefree Omnibus survey. December 2005. See
  15. Can ventilation control secondhand smoke in the hospitality industry? OSHA Ventilation Workshop Analysis. Repace Associates, Inc, June 2000.
  16. Kotzias D. Ventilation as a means of controlling exposure of workers to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). Paper presented by Dimitrios Kotzias at the Smokefree Europe conference, June 2 2005. See
  17. Scollo M, Glantz S. Review of the quality of studies on the economic effects of smoke-free policies on the hospitality industry. Tobacco Control 2003; 12: 13-20.
  18. Smokefree Europe Partnership. Smoke Free Europe makes economic sense. A report on the economic aspects of smokefree policies. 2005. See
  19. NHS Health Scotland. International review of the health and economic impact of the regulation of smoking in public places. See
  20. The state of smoke-free New York City: A one year review. New York City Department of Finance; New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene; New York City Department of Small Business Services; New York City Economic Development Corporation, March 2004.
  21. Fong, G. The impact of smokefree workplace legislation on smokers in Ireland. Findings from the ITC-Ireland/UK survey. Presentation by Geoffrey Fong at the Smokefree Europe Conference. June 2, 2005. See
  22. Fichtenberg CM, Glantz SA. Effect of smoke-free workplaces on smoking behaviour: systematic review. British Medical Journal 2002; 325:188.