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Cancer Research UK displays vision at Chelsea Flower Show 2007

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by Cancer Research UK | News

21 May 2007

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On Monday 21st May Cancer Research UK unveils its garden at Chelsea Flower Show. Designed by last year’s Gold Medal winner, Andy Sturgeon, the garden illustrates the charity’s vision, ‘Together we will beat cancer’.

As part of the unveiling, the Cancer Research UK garden will be hosting a choreographed dance by the renowned London School of Capoeira. The exhilarating performance will demonstrate how we work together to make an impact.

Focusing on the word ‘together’, Andy Sturgeon has designed the garden so that all the different elements interlink and lock together. The paths leading from either end draw people into the heart of the garden, where the modern amphitheatre then provides a place for visitors to sit together.

The most dramatic aspect of the garden is an eye-catching 30m long sculpture which consists of five strands of curved oak ribbons that weave together and wind through the garden, connecting it all.

Andy Sturgeon said: “Everyone wants to beat this terrible disease and it’s a great honour for me to be asked to create a design that illustrates how, together, we can do this.”

The garden features a pavilion inspired by modern Japanese architecture, with an acrylic roof and end wall that are illuminated at night. A triptych of sensuous ceramic wall sculptures by Japanese artist Mari-Ruth Oda covers the end wall.

The planting will be colourful and will include roses, shrubs, grasses, perennials and bulbs. The colour scheme will be predominately a variety of greens complemented with purples, mauves, pinks and white. Andy plans to use an unusual species of tree called Quercus phellos, which will be donated as street trees or to schools after the show. Almost every element of the garden will be recycled or reused.

Richard Sullivan, director of clinical programmes and centres at Cancer Research UK, said: “We’re delighted to be returning to the Chelsea Flower Show for the fourth year. Andy has captured the charity’s vision and created a stunning garden for us once again.”


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