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Britain’s biggest breakfast turns ten

by Cancer Research UK | News

17 December 2007

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This post is 17 years old, so some information may be outdated

This April, Cancer Research UK will be celebrating the 10th birthday of its annual fundraising event, Britain’s Biggest Breakfast. To mark the occasion, the charity is calling for people across the UK to make it the biggest breakfast yet by throwing a breakfast ‘party’ to raise money for research into all types of cancer.

To join in the fun, all you have to do is hold a breakfast and invite friends, family or colleagues to come along and enjoy a healthy, nutritious start to the day. How and where breakfast or brunches are held is up to the host and, while most people choose work, school or home you can be as creative with your venue as you wish.

In honour of the 10th birthday celebrations, how about throwing a special birthday breakfast, complete with a nutritious birthday ‘cake’ made from fruit – you could even put up some decorations to help get your guests into the party spirit.

Whatever you do, not only will everyone love tucking into some tasty breakfast-time treats but, by asking them to make a donation to Cancer Research UK, they will be helping to beat cancer at the same time.

Experts estimate that about a quarter of all cancer deaths are caused by unhealthy diets and obesity. Britain’s Biggest Breakfast aims to raise awareness of how eating a healthy breakfast, as part of a balanced diet including plenty of fruit and vegetables, can help reduce your risk of cancer.

Anyone can hold a breakfast during April to celebrate Britain’s Biggest Breakfast’s milestone birthday. For hints and tips on how to host and plan a breakfast, visit Britain’s Biggest Breakfast


For further media information, images or interviews with case studies, please contact the Cancer Research UK Press Office on 020 3469 8300.