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Gas hobs and radiotherapy research in the March podcast

by Kat Arney | Analysis

2 March 2010

1 comment 1 comment

This post is 14 years old, so some information may be outdated
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In this month’s podcast we find out how US scientists have made an important step toward personalised treatment for cancer, and discuss whether gas hobs can increase cancer risk.

We also hear about new clinical trial results showing that early breast cancer can be treated successfully with fewer, higher doses of radiotherapy.

And our roving reporter Anna Lacey discovers how our researchers in Manchester are developing better ways to deliver radiotherapy to patients with a type of brain tumour known as glioblastoma multiforme.

You can listen to the podcast through this player:

Or click here to download the podcast as an mp3.

Alternatively, go to the podcast homepage, where you can hear the show directly through our own Flash player. And there’s also a full transcript of the podcast here.

We hope you enjoy it – please do let us know what you think of the podcast in the comments below.



  • Ciara McNulty
    23 March 2010

    My auntie has just defeated the battle to cancer, it was a hard time for her but her hair is growing back. If I were to give advice for this I would say be calm and have hope and looking after them as they battle through these tough times!!! Even though I am only eleven I do know alot about cancer and what went on with my Auntie!!

  • reply
    Kat Arney
    23 March 2010

    Thanks for your comment Ciara, and we hope your auntie continues to get better.


  • Ciara McNulty
    23 March 2010

    My auntie has just defeated the battle to cancer, it was a hard time for her but her hair is growing back. If I were to give advice for this I would say be calm and have hope and looking after them as they battle through these tough times!!! Even though I am only eleven I do know alot about cancer and what went on with my Auntie!!

  • reply
    Kat Arney
    23 March 2010

    Thanks for your comment Ciara, and we hope your auntie continues to get better.