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Our online forum Cancer Chat has relaunched

by Sarah Flynn | Analysis

30 November 2010

3 comments 3 comments

This post is 14 years old, so some information may be outdated
An image of a man and a woman

Cancer Chat is a place to share experiences and information about cancer

Cancer Research UK’s interactive discussion forum, Cancer Chat, has just relaunched, bringing a whole host of new interactive features to its 6,200 strong community.

The forum is a place where people affected by cancer can share experiences and information, and is open to anyone to discuss any aspect of the disease, from symptoms and treatment, to living with cancer or sharing a story. It’s a place to talk with others, simply see what people are discussing, or search for relevant information.

We’ve been listening to what the Cancer Chat community want, and now members can private message, personalise their profiles and search for discussions about a specific cancer type.

With 275 new users every month and 13,000 messages posted this year, Cancer Chat is continuing to grow and provide vital support for cancer patients in the UK. The forum has proved to be an important space for people like Tony Songhurst, a bowel cancer patient, to help them cope with their experiences.

Tony believes Cancer Chat has provided him with an invaluable support network. Diagnosed with bowel cancer in December 2009, Tony became a member of Cancer Chat after searching for somewhere to chat and discuss his fears while waiting for test results.

Having supported him through his initial diagnosis, the forum remains an integral part of his life and he visits the site daily.

He told us, “the community feel and the great attitude of the moderators has meant that Cancer Chat has been immensely important to me in my journey and in assisting me in coping with cancer”.

Cancer Chat has helped him through several operations, chemotherapy and extended stays in hospital. He says, “I have made many personal friends and feel immensely proud to have been helped and to have helped other people overcome their fears or at least let them know they are not alone. The best thing about Cancer Chat is the support from many different people in many different situations and stages of their journey… I have also made personal friends, the responses you get just by listening and offering simple advice is amazing and keeps me busy”.

As a supportive environment, he emphasises that the forum is for anyone affected by cancer, “experiencing the same thing can mean so much…anyone touched by cancer is experiencing the same thing whatever the cancer, this could be the actual patient, friend, relative or work colleague”.

Tony is positive about the re-launch of Cancer Chat – particularly the introduction of the private messaging facility. And the new design will make it easier for people to navigate around the site, whether they’re “newbie” or an old hand.

Join the forum or to take a look at what others are talking about:


Cancer Chat is one of three patient information services offered by Cancer Research UK. Award winning website CancerHelp UK the provides clear, easy to understand information about cancer and its treatment, as well as covering the issues that affect people with cancer.

And our Cancer Information Nurse Helpline is also available to answer questions about cancer in confidence. Call freephone 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.


  • Cancer Chat
    23 November 2011

    Hi martin
    I have emailed you direct with regards to finding a chat room

  • martin
    23 November 2011

    hi , i have had prostate cancer at age 46 , followed by 6 weeks of radiotheripy , becouse it not actioned on in time. but i find at 49 i am suffering emotionly more than ever ,but am unable to find a chat room with like minded peapple to talk with . can u help? … [email protected] … thanks , mart

  • christinagogee
    20 December 2010

    hi …well i have read this post n its quite informatics,,,,well keep it up..


  • Cancer Chat
    23 November 2011

    Hi martin
    I have emailed you direct with regards to finding a chat room

  • martin
    23 November 2011

    hi , i have had prostate cancer at age 46 , followed by 6 weeks of radiotheripy , becouse it not actioned on in time. but i find at 49 i am suffering emotionly more than ever ,but am unable to find a chat room with like minded peapple to talk with . can u help? … [email protected] … thanks , mart

  • christinagogee
    20 December 2010

    hi …well i have read this post n its quite informatics,,,,well keep it up..