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Brave Harry Moseley – an inspiration to us all

by Henry Scowcroft | Analysis

9 October 2011

38 comments 38 comments

This post is 13 years old, so some information may be outdated
Harry Moseley

Harry Moseley

We’re extremely saddened to hear that the extraordinarily brave young Harry Moseley has tragically lost his fight against brain cancer at the age of just 11.

Harry was an inspiration to children and adults alike in his quest to raise awareness of brain tumours through his campaign “Help Harry Help Others”. He single handedly raised over £85,000 for brain tumour research by fundraising and selling hand-made bracelets.

He also helped us raise hundreds of thousands of pounds by supporting our work and speaking about his illness at our events.

This money will help us fund more research, including our groundbreaking work on brain tumours.

Harry was a very special boy – even when faced with a life-threatening illness he retained his cheeky persona and his drive to help others. He truly touched the hearts of everyone that he met and the difference he made during his short life is remarkable.

It’s heartbreaking that around 1,500 children are diagnosed with cancer each year in the UK, a quarter of them with brain tumours. Certain types of brain tumours are amongst the most difficult cancers to treat in childhood.

Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, Cancer Research UK is a leading funder of brain tumour research in the UK. With this vital income, we’ve been able fund research that has helped to change the outlook for many children with brain tumours, and you can read more about this in our Progress and Achievements web pages.

But we have never been more aware than today that we’ve got so much more work to do. Our hearts go out to Harry’s family at this incredibly difficult time.


Richard Taylor is Cancer Research UK’s Director of Fundraising and Marketing


  • Katie
    13 February 2012

    R.I.P Harry xxxxxxx

  • karen jennings
    20 October 2011

    i am sorry hear about harry wot boy we are all f upset about your love boy god bless him love karen xxxx

  • daniel dunn
    20 October 2011

    god bless you harry i hope your ok now in the arms of the angels my school heathfield primary in darlington released balloons today in your memory i wont ever forget you harry from when you visited my school i bought 12 of your bracelets and will always treasure them love daniel dunn age 7 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • katie
    12 October 2011

    `Dear Harry you were really brave now you have left us.And as gone too heaven as a good person . from Katie
    Heathfeild primary school
    when you did the power point in school i felt so so sorry of what you have been through.
    r.i.p xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Mark Beaumont
    12 October 2011

    You were a very brave and wonderful boy, Harry, and an inspiration to us all. Many will carry on your good work and remember you always.

  • Jan Holmes
    10 October 2011

    R.I.P you have to carry on making those braclets for the angles now god bless goodnight xxx

  • Pauline Richards
    10 October 2011

    R.I.P. Harry. You are an inspiration to all. Rest in peace brave little man. My thoughts are with your family at this sad time xxxx

  • lorna
    10 October 2011

    god bless you harry r.i.p. you were a lovely young man xxxxxx

  • lorna smith
    10 October 2011

    so sorry to hear about harry what a lovely lad my heart goes out to his family god bless you all r.i.p harry xxxx

  • suzi wainwright
    10 October 2011

    god bless you little man … your the bravest little soldier up ther in heaven, …. no pain , just wonderful things like mountains made of chocolate, and rivers that are lemonade…….xx nite nite ,,

  • sarah mason
    10 October 2011

    so so sorry you’ve taken from us but you will always be with us all guiding the way from hevean and showing us the way to improve the research, it’s now time to rest you have done enough fighting…

  • annette honeyman
    10 October 2011

    so sorry to hear about ur loss my heart goes out to all the family ,my 13 yr old son s got a brain toumer its heartbreakin, god bless u harry rest in peace xxx

  • Emma
    10 October 2011

    RIP Harry, may your bravery, cheeky smile and your heartwarming desire to help others, provide some comfort to those who knew and loved you at this sad time, whilst inspiring us all to follow your courageous example. Sleep tight. x

  • amandadodd
    10 October 2011

    god bless you Harry and well done Harry 4 all you achived you are an inspiration to us all RIP peace beautiful free of your pain.xxxxxxxxxx

    10 October 2011

    So sad to read this post RIP Harry you are now with all the other angels and free from pain. Thinking of your family at this very sad time xxx Well done for all you achieved in your very short life you were a great lad xxxxxxxx

  • lou
    10 October 2011

    such sad news about this gorgeous little boy, its true what they say only the good die young. Im sure Harrys family are so proud of him and he would have grown up to be a wonderful man. May you rest in peace and keep making yr beautiful bracelets in heaven. Lots of love to the family and friends. Lou xxx

  • smurfette40
    10 October 2011

    Such a young life! Im sorry Harry lost the battle.Such a brave young boy.No words can say how his family are right now.My heart goes out to his family.xx

  • diane hodd
    10 October 2011

    wow harry what an insperation to others!!! rest peacefully sweet boy and let the angels hold you in their arms. you will be the hearts of family and friends for a lifetimexxx

  • diane hodd
    10 October 2011

    wow harry what an insperation to others!!! rest peacefully sweet boy and let the angels hold you in their arms. you will be the hearts of family and friends for a lifetimexxx

  • Charlotte
    10 October 2011

    So sorry to hear of the very sad loss of Harry. What an inspirational young man. My thoughts are with Harry’s family at this very sad time, a young man to be very very proud of. Sleep well Harry xx

  • pat hand
    9 October 2011

    no words of consolation for his family & friends, nothing will ease your pain. but knowing he was so loved, so inspirational, so brave to have fought the fight with such cheeriness will warm your heart. family be proud xx

  • Steve
    9 October 2011

    I’ve been trying to leave a donation on all day since I heard the sad news.

    Each time it fails with something like this:

    Error in subSMFormResponseExecuteSQL Main
    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Transaction (Process ID 86) was deadlocked on lock | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim

    You’d think that CR would have a website that worked wouldn’t you?

    But if you don’t want our money them I’m sure there are other deserving causes…

  • reply
    Kat Arney
    10 October 2011

    Hi Steve,
    Because so many people were trying to donate over the weekend in response to the sad news about Harry, the website unfortunately couldn’t handle it. Our IT team are working hard to fix it right now, and for the moment we’ve redirected the donation page to Harry’s JustGiving page:

    We’re sorry about this. Please do have another try at donating if you’d still like to support our research into brain tumours.

    Science Communications Manager

  • Sarah Broughton
    9 October 2011

    So sorry to hear that Harry has lost his battle. He was an inspiration and touched so many people. My thoughts are with Harry’s family at this very sad time

  • caitlin
    9 October 2011

    your in the arms of the angels now harry god bless you i have been buying your bracelets at school . your family and friends will have you in there hearts forever when you visted my school i thought you were wonderful.xxxxxxxxx by caitlin aged 8

  • penny
    9 October 2011

    god bless you harry you will live on in everyones heart and never be forgotten RIP sweetheart and thinking of your family and friends at this most difficult time xxxx

  • ros
    9 October 2011

    What an inspiration to the rest of us Harry is !!! A true hero. Wish I could have met you young man. My heart goes out to all Harry’s family and friends. Sure you are all so proud even at this awful time. Take care x x x

  • Myra
    9 October 2011

    Rip Harry xxx god bless ur soul kid…xxxx

  • joanne gale
    9 October 2011

    So very sorry to read this news. RIP Harry, thoughts are with your family and friends xxx

  • kath gooper
    9 October 2011

    the family will lose a son and heavens gained an angel,rip brave young man.your an inspiration in a world where theres so much hurt goodnight godbless,sure your parents are proud to call you there own.x

  • cathy davies
    9 October 2011

    Sorry to hear about the loss of Harry. I lost my 10 year old sister to brain cancer in 1987. She was only 10. Love to all who knew him and loved him. x

  • Sarah-May
    9 October 2011

    Harry and many children like him are a beautiful reminder of the strength and intelligence found in those so young. Support children with cancer in Glasgow November 11th at our comedy benefit at Waxy O’Connor’s, West George street at 7pm and help other kids like Harry continue their fight!

  • Jo Owens
    9 October 2011

    Much love to you and your family Harry. You have been, and will always be, such an inspiration to us all xxx

  • pauline
    9 October 2011

    Our thoughts and prayers go out to Harry,s family at this sad time. I lost my own father to cancer so I can understand what your family are going through. Even though you were unwell yourself you always thought of others you are a true insperation to others. God bless Harry.

  • Bill Vaughan
    9 October 2011

    What a brave young man, God Bless You. You are an inspiration t o all cancer patients. My thoughts go to his Parents , family and friends. Sleep well, R.I.P

  • Sharon Sheridan
    9 October 2011

    We are so saddened to hear that Harry has lost his fight. He was a real inspiration & I am sure his name will go on for a long time. His family have a lot to be proud of. God bless you Harry, sleep well little man xXxX

  • Carrie
    9 October 2011

    my thoughts and prayers go out to Harry’s family at this difficult time. God bless you Harry! I’ve lost my sister to brain tumour 8 years ago at the age of 28. I know what you are going through at the moment, I am so sorry for your loss.

  • Paula Rogers
    9 October 2011

    God bless you Harry, so sad to hear that brain cancer has claimed another young life xxx

  • Margaret Taylor
    9 October 2011

    I am so sorry to hear the sad news that Harry has lost his fight to brain cancer my thoughts and prayers go out to his family RIP Harry

    PS I just received my Bracelets yesterday the 8th October I will wear them with pride Thankyou


  • Katie
    13 February 2012

    R.I.P Harry xxxxxxx

  • karen jennings
    20 October 2011

    i am sorry hear about harry wot boy we are all f upset about your love boy god bless him love karen xxxx

  • daniel dunn
    20 October 2011

    god bless you harry i hope your ok now in the arms of the angels my school heathfield primary in darlington released balloons today in your memory i wont ever forget you harry from when you visited my school i bought 12 of your bracelets and will always treasure them love daniel dunn age 7 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • katie
    12 October 2011

    `Dear Harry you were really brave now you have left us.And as gone too heaven as a good person . from Katie
    Heathfeild primary school
    when you did the power point in school i felt so so sorry of what you have been through.
    r.i.p xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Mark Beaumont
    12 October 2011

    You were a very brave and wonderful boy, Harry, and an inspiration to us all. Many will carry on your good work and remember you always.

  • Jan Holmes
    10 October 2011

    R.I.P you have to carry on making those braclets for the angles now god bless goodnight xxx

  • Pauline Richards
    10 October 2011

    R.I.P. Harry. You are an inspiration to all. Rest in peace brave little man. My thoughts are with your family at this sad time xxxx

  • lorna
    10 October 2011

    god bless you harry r.i.p. you were a lovely young man xxxxxx

  • lorna smith
    10 October 2011

    so sorry to hear about harry what a lovely lad my heart goes out to his family god bless you all r.i.p harry xxxx

  • suzi wainwright
    10 October 2011

    god bless you little man … your the bravest little soldier up ther in heaven, …. no pain , just wonderful things like mountains made of chocolate, and rivers that are lemonade…….xx nite nite ,,

  • sarah mason
    10 October 2011

    so so sorry you’ve taken from us but you will always be with us all guiding the way from hevean and showing us the way to improve the research, it’s now time to rest you have done enough fighting…

  • annette honeyman
    10 October 2011

    so sorry to hear about ur loss my heart goes out to all the family ,my 13 yr old son s got a brain toumer its heartbreakin, god bless u harry rest in peace xxx

  • Emma
    10 October 2011

    RIP Harry, may your bravery, cheeky smile and your heartwarming desire to help others, provide some comfort to those who knew and loved you at this sad time, whilst inspiring us all to follow your courageous example. Sleep tight. x

  • amandadodd
    10 October 2011

    god bless you Harry and well done Harry 4 all you achived you are an inspiration to us all RIP peace beautiful free of your pain.xxxxxxxxxx

    10 October 2011

    So sad to read this post RIP Harry you are now with all the other angels and free from pain. Thinking of your family at this very sad time xxx Well done for all you achieved in your very short life you were a great lad xxxxxxxx

  • lou
    10 October 2011

    such sad news about this gorgeous little boy, its true what they say only the good die young. Im sure Harrys family are so proud of him and he would have grown up to be a wonderful man. May you rest in peace and keep making yr beautiful bracelets in heaven. Lots of love to the family and friends. Lou xxx

  • smurfette40
    10 October 2011

    Such a young life! Im sorry Harry lost the battle.Such a brave young boy.No words can say how his family are right now.My heart goes out to his family.xx

  • diane hodd
    10 October 2011

    wow harry what an insperation to others!!! rest peacefully sweet boy and let the angels hold you in their arms. you will be the hearts of family and friends for a lifetimexxx

  • diane hodd
    10 October 2011

    wow harry what an insperation to others!!! rest peacefully sweet boy and let the angels hold you in their arms. you will be the hearts of family and friends for a lifetimexxx

  • Charlotte
    10 October 2011

    So sorry to hear of the very sad loss of Harry. What an inspirational young man. My thoughts are with Harry’s family at this very sad time, a young man to be very very proud of. Sleep well Harry xx

  • pat hand
    9 October 2011

    no words of consolation for his family & friends, nothing will ease your pain. but knowing he was so loved, so inspirational, so brave to have fought the fight with such cheeriness will warm your heart. family be proud xx

  • Steve
    9 October 2011

    I’ve been trying to leave a donation on all day since I heard the sad news.

    Each time it fails with something like this:

    Error in subSMFormResponseExecuteSQL Main
    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Transaction (Process ID 86) was deadlocked on lock | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim

    You’d think that CR would have a website that worked wouldn’t you?

    But if you don’t want our money them I’m sure there are other deserving causes…

  • reply
    Kat Arney
    10 October 2011

    Hi Steve,
    Because so many people were trying to donate over the weekend in response to the sad news about Harry, the website unfortunately couldn’t handle it. Our IT team are working hard to fix it right now, and for the moment we’ve redirected the donation page to Harry’s JustGiving page:

    We’re sorry about this. Please do have another try at donating if you’d still like to support our research into brain tumours.

    Science Communications Manager

  • Sarah Broughton
    9 October 2011

    So sorry to hear that Harry has lost his battle. He was an inspiration and touched so many people. My thoughts are with Harry’s family at this very sad time

  • caitlin
    9 October 2011

    your in the arms of the angels now harry god bless you i have been buying your bracelets at school . your family and friends will have you in there hearts forever when you visted my school i thought you were wonderful.xxxxxxxxx by caitlin aged 8

  • penny
    9 October 2011

    god bless you harry you will live on in everyones heart and never be forgotten RIP sweetheart and thinking of your family and friends at this most difficult time xxxx

  • ros
    9 October 2011

    What an inspiration to the rest of us Harry is !!! A true hero. Wish I could have met you young man. My heart goes out to all Harry’s family and friends. Sure you are all so proud even at this awful time. Take care x x x

  • Myra
    9 October 2011

    Rip Harry xxx god bless ur soul kid…xxxx

  • joanne gale
    9 October 2011

    So very sorry to read this news. RIP Harry, thoughts are with your family and friends xxx

  • kath gooper
    9 October 2011

    the family will lose a son and heavens gained an angel,rip brave young man.your an inspiration in a world where theres so much hurt goodnight godbless,sure your parents are proud to call you there own.x

  • cathy davies
    9 October 2011

    Sorry to hear about the loss of Harry. I lost my 10 year old sister to brain cancer in 1987. She was only 10. Love to all who knew him and loved him. x

  • Sarah-May
    9 October 2011

    Harry and many children like him are a beautiful reminder of the strength and intelligence found in those so young. Support children with cancer in Glasgow November 11th at our comedy benefit at Waxy O’Connor’s, West George street at 7pm and help other kids like Harry continue their fight!

  • Jo Owens
    9 October 2011

    Much love to you and your family Harry. You have been, and will always be, such an inspiration to us all xxx

  • pauline
    9 October 2011

    Our thoughts and prayers go out to Harry,s family at this sad time. I lost my own father to cancer so I can understand what your family are going through. Even though you were unwell yourself you always thought of others you are a true insperation to others. God bless Harry.

  • Bill Vaughan
    9 October 2011

    What a brave young man, God Bless You. You are an inspiration t o all cancer patients. My thoughts go to his Parents , family and friends. Sleep well, R.I.P

  • Sharon Sheridan
    9 October 2011

    We are so saddened to hear that Harry has lost his fight. He was a real inspiration & I am sure his name will go on for a long time. His family have a lot to be proud of. God bless you Harry, sleep well little man xXxX

  • Carrie
    9 October 2011

    my thoughts and prayers go out to Harry’s family at this difficult time. God bless you Harry! I’ve lost my sister to brain tumour 8 years ago at the age of 28. I know what you are going through at the moment, I am so sorry for your loss.

  • Paula Rogers
    9 October 2011

    God bless you Harry, so sad to hear that brain cancer has claimed another young life xxx

  • Margaret Taylor
    9 October 2011

    I am so sorry to hear the sad news that Harry has lost his fight to brain cancer my thoughts and prayers go out to his family RIP Harry

    PS I just received my Bracelets yesterday the 8th October I will wear them with pride Thankyou