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Weekly news digest – mobile phones, ‘superfoods’, radiotherapy and more…

by Oliver Childs | Analysis

21 October 2011

1 comment 1 comment

This post is 13 years old, so some information may be outdated

Cancer was in the news this week

It’s been a busy news week when it comes to cancer, and some interesting research has hit the headlines. Here’s a selection that caught our eye:

Study shows no link between mobile phones and brain tumours

The largest study of its kind showed that using a mobile phone does not increase the risk of tumours of the brain or central nervous system in adults. The study included over 350,000 Danish mobile phone subscribers, many of whom had used mobile phones for longer than 10 years.

Importance of radiotherapy after breast cancer surgery confirmed

A Cancer Research UK study showed that radiotherapy halves the rate at which breast cancer recurs in the 10 years after surgery. Radiotherapy is a vital cancer treatment and helps cure more people than chemotherapy. During 2011’s Year of Radiotherapy, studies such as this continue to show how much this treatment can benefit many cancer patients.

30,000 people have already added their names to our petition to improve radiotherapy services in the NHS. We’re hoping to collect 36,000 signatures, one for every person in England who misses out every year. We’re taking the petition to No.10 Downing Street in just 2 weeks time. Make sure your name’s on the list!

Clue to how ‘cancer stem cells’ are controlled in skin cancer

Belgian scientists discovered that a molecule already targeted by several cancer therapies may have a major role in squamous cell skin cancer, the second-most common form of non-melanoma skin cancer. This cancer affects around 10,000 people per year in the UK and, although rarely as serious as melanoma, it can still spread if left untreated.

The molecule, called VEGF, appears to have a role in regulating so-called cancer stem cells in the skin, which are able to continually grow and divide to sustain the growth of tumours.

Malaria vaccine shows how high-quality research pays dividends

In exciting news for the malaria research community, it was announced that significant progress had been made towards a vaccine against malaria – an infectious disease that kills 800,000 worldwide every year.

Although not directly related to cancer, this news shows what can be achieved when we properly fund, resource and coordinate research into disease. We’ve already made fantastic inroads against cancer, and we’re commited to do more. As our vision states, together we will beat cancer.

And finally… warning against ‘superfoods’

The Daily Mail reported on research commissioned by Bupa that one in 10 people believe that ‘superfoods’ can prevent cancer even though medical evidence is lacking to support this.

You can read more about superfoods and cancer on our website.

That’s a wrap for this week.

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  • kenneth mbulika
    22 October 2011

    Hey you guys are doing agreat job by educating us ! Keep it up .


  • kenneth mbulika
    22 October 2011

    Hey you guys are doing agreat job by educating us ! Keep it up .