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Real Life ‘Stars’ Unite Against Cancer For New Charity Campaign

by Cancer Research UK | News

10 September 2012

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This post is 12 years old, so some information may be outdated

Monday 10 September 2012

Cancer Research UK Press Release

Cancer survivors, volunteers, supporters and staff have all joined together to take part in Cancer Research UK’s latest advertising campaign, which will appear across the UK from 10 September 2012.

The ‘stars’ of the nationwide campaign have joined forces to bring to life the ‘C’ of Cancer Research UK’s new logo, which will be used in the new campaign.  Everyone in the picture has a connection with the charity: some have benefited directly from its life-saving research, others work for corporate supporters or volunteer at events and some work at the charity.  The ‘C’ symbolises the power of the collective force, alongside the charity’s role and ambition – lots of smaller parts that make up the bigger picture, all coming together to disintegrate cancer and deliver a world where cancer is no longer feared.

Harry, 22, who was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in 2010, explains why he was thrilled to be involved: “When I got the call asking if I wanted to take part in a photoshoot for Cancer Research UK’s new advertising campaign, I jumped at the chance.  I was diagnosed with paediatric folicular lymphoma when I was 19.  It’s such a rare cancer that the doctors said I am the only person in my age group, in the UK, that has been diagnosed with it.  It was a complete shock, you don’t think that it will ever happen to you.  But, I had my treatment and am here today thanks to the work the charity does.  This is my chance to give something back.”

Anita, 41, had similar reasons for taking part.  She says: “I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010. I’d been bitten on my chest by a mosquito whilst on holiday and started to feel unwell on my return home. I went along to my local hospital and was treated for an infection but then a follow up scan to the bite area revealed I had breast cancer. If it hadn’t been for that mosquito, I might not have found out for months and I know how important it is to be diagnosed as early as possible – it can make such a difference. I think it’s really important to help raise awareness about cancer as charities like Cancer Research UK can’t do the work they do without people’s support.  I was thrilled to be asked to take part in the photo-shoot for their new advertising campaign, as it gives me the opportunity to highlight the life-saving work they do.”

Natasha Hill, Director of Brand and Strategic Marketing at Cancer Research UK said: “From cancer survivors, to volunteers, corporate partners, supporters and staff, so many different people who have been touched by our work have united in this new campaign.  It symbolises that united, we are stronger than cancer and that if we come together to fight the disease, we can beat it.  The end result brings to life the ‘C’ of our refreshed logo and is truly inspiring.  We wanted to create something that tells our story; that we are a collective force leading pioneering research in the relentless fight against all cancers.”

Adverts featuring the real life ‘stars’ will appear in national newspapers, magazines, train stations, and the London Underground.  

The campaign will appear at the same time as the rollout of Cancer Research UK’s refreshed brand and identity, which aims to reignite understanding and support for the charity’s life-saving research.  

Whilst the largest UK charity, Cancer Research UK receives no Government funding for its research, so it is powerless without supporters. It believes its refreshed brand will help it appeal more to the public and develop stronger relationships – ultimately raising more money to save lives and bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.  

For further information, visit to see how supporters, volunteers, corporate partners and staff came together to bring the new brand to life, watch here.


For media enquiries, please contact the Cancer Research UK press office on 020 3469 8300 or, out-of-hours, the duty press officer on 07050 264 059.