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News digest – radiotherapy for breast cancer, nuclear power plants, zebrafish and more

by Oliver Childs | Analysis

21 September 2013

4 comments 4 comments

This post is 11 years old, so some information may be outdated
Newspaper pile

Our pick of the week’s headlines

  • Less is more – at least when it comes to radiotherapy for breast cancer. Our study showed that giving radiotherapy in fewer, larger treatments is at least as safe and effective at treating early breast cancer than standard doses. The Guardian and Mail Online covered this practice-changing trial.
  • In other breast cancer news, the NHS published new advice about the pros and cons of breast screening. We helped to write the new leaflet, which was discussed by NHS Choices.
  • Meanwhile, the Independent discussed biological evidence that backs up reports from women who say they experience ‘mental fog‘ effects from the breast cancer drug Tamoxifen.
  • The BBC and others reported that children living near nuclear power plants do not have an increased risk of developing leukaemia. The original press release from the British Journal of Cancer has more detail.
  • The Faculty of Public Health and the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV called for schoolboys to be vaccinated against HPV to help protect them against some cancers. The BBC has more info.
  • Scientists made a “huge leap” forward in stem cell production. It’s a technical feat rather than a clinical one, but could contribute to new treatments for diseases like cancer and Parkinson’s. Nature News wrote about the research.
  • MPs have called for action to improve the set-up and transparency of clinical trials. The AMRC has an informative blog piece about the report, and we’ll be blogging about it next week.
  • Reuters reported that childhood cancer survivors are more likely to be treated for neuro-developmental, emotional or behavioural disorders later in life.

And finally


Images courtesy of Jon s, via Flickr.


  • celia
    22 September 2013

    Well said Shari,to much around cancer has become about making money!! There are too many lies about the causes. And too much money being made by the cancer industry

  • Shari
    22 September 2013

    The new NHS leaflet on the pros and cons of breast screening only belatedly admits to SOME mammogram risks. It remains an account of denial about the full extent of damage caused by screening (read the e-book “The Mammogram Myth: The Independent Investigation Of Mammography The Medical Profession Doesn’t Want You To Know About” by Rolf Hefti). After all, studies have reported that if women knew all the facts about mammograms many would stop having them. Politics, propaganda, and big profits continue to blur the real facts about mammography for most women.

  • Maria Gore
    21 September 2013

    This is just fantastic, what we can do with money people raise for cancer research. I am nearly finished Radiotherapy treatment for Breast Cancer cant thank the research enough….it changed from when my mother had breast cancer.

  • celia
    21 September 2013

    So woman feel a mental fog when taking Tamoxifen not surprising when it wipes out Oestrogen


  • celia
    22 September 2013

    Well said Shari,to much around cancer has become about making money!! There are too many lies about the causes. And too much money being made by the cancer industry

  • Shari
    22 September 2013

    The new NHS leaflet on the pros and cons of breast screening only belatedly admits to SOME mammogram risks. It remains an account of denial about the full extent of damage caused by screening (read the e-book “The Mammogram Myth: The Independent Investigation Of Mammography The Medical Profession Doesn’t Want You To Know About” by Rolf Hefti). After all, studies have reported that if women knew all the facts about mammograms many would stop having them. Politics, propaganda, and big profits continue to blur the real facts about mammography for most women.

  • Maria Gore
    21 September 2013

    This is just fantastic, what we can do with money people raise for cancer research. I am nearly finished Radiotherapy treatment for Breast Cancer cant thank the research enough….it changed from when my mother had breast cancer.

  • celia
    21 September 2013

    So woman feel a mental fog when taking Tamoxifen not surprising when it wipes out Oestrogen