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Boys should be given HPV jab, says vaccine committee. Here’s what happens next.

by Corrie Drumm | Analysis

18 July 2018

44 comments 44 comments

An image of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.
This post is 6 years old, so some information may be outdated

It’s nearly a decade since the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine was first introduced in the UK to help protect against the virus that causes most cases of cervical cancer. But until now, it has only been routinely offered to girls.

Today, the Joint Committee for Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) recommended that adolescent boys should now also receive the vaccine.

When and how this will happen is now down to the Government. But the recommendation comes from years of mounting evidence around likely health benefits and overall cost effectiveness.

HPV and cancer

HPV is a big family of viruses. There are more than 100 different types and some are more dangerous than others. While some low-risk types cause growths like warts or verrucas, there are thirteen high-risk types that are linked to cancer.

HPV is very common, with 8 in 10 people infected at some point in their life. Usually our bodies clear the infection without it causing any problems. But in some cases a lasting infection can lead to cancer.

This is because the virus damages the infected cells’ DNA and causes them to start dividing out of control, setting them on the road to cancer.

Thanks to the vaccination programme, many people know that HPV causes cervical cancer – in fact it’s linked to all cases of the disease in the UK. But HPV is linked to other cancers too – including anal, penis and some types of mouth and throat cancer.

Protecting against HPV can prevent 7 types of cancer

Together these add up to more than 8,000 cancer cases each year in the UK.

Why wasn’t the HPV vaccine always available for boys?

The HPV vaccine protects against 4 types of HPV. Two are linked to cancer: HPV 16 and 18, which together cause around 7 in 10 cervical cancer cases in the UK. The vaccine also protects against HPV 6 and 11, which cause most genital warts.

The vaccine has been available to girls in the UK since 2008. It was initially only recommended for girls as the strongest evidence of health benefits and cost effectiveness was for cervical cancer and genital warts.

Since the vaccine was introduced, we’re starting to see HPV infections in people who have been vaccinated falling. This suggests the vaccine is preventing HPV infection and, in the future, this should prevent cervical cancers.

But HPV is linked to cancers in men as well as women.

Men who have sex with women will get some protection from the current vaccination programme if their partner is vaccinated. The same can’t be said for adult men who have sex with men .

In 2015, the JCVI, which advises UK health departments on vaccines, recommended extending vaccination to adult men who have sex with men. This group of men are at a higher risk of anal cancer. Up to the age of 45, these men can request HPV vaccination at sexual health clinics.

But up until today, the programme hadn’t been recommended for boys, as the JCVI weren’t convinced it would be cost-effective.

Today’s decision brings the UK in line with other countries including the US and Australia, which already offer the vaccination to boys.

Who will be offered the vaccine?

The JCVI has recommended the vaccine for boys aged 11-13, similar to the vaccination programme for girls. HPV vaccination is most effective in people who haven’t ever had an HPV infection. And as HPV is mostly transmitted through close sexual contact, vaccination is offered at a young age when people are unlikely to have had any sexual experiences.

Men above the vaccination age who don’t have sex with men won’t be offered the vaccine. But it’s important to remember that most people clear HPV infections without them causing any symptoms or problems. And for most cancers linked to HPV there are also other ways to reduce your risk through things like not smoking or drinking less alcohol.

What happens now?

The recommendation for a gender neutral vaccination programme for adolescents has been years in the making. The next step is for the Government to formally accept the recommendation and extend the programme to boys.

Until it does, we won’t know the details of when and how the programme will be rolled out. Once they have accepted the recommendation, the Government must publish a plan and timetable for the roll-out.

This will need to be accompanied by more details on the programme itself. When the vaccine was first offered to girls in the UK, a ‘catch-up’ programme was introduced for girls up to the age of 18, and we want the Government to do the same for boys.

Finally, the programme will do nothing if people aren’t aware it’s happening. We want to see a national awareness campaign to clearly communicate about the vaccine and its potential benefits, as well as new information for parents and boys.

By offering the vaccine to everyone aged 11-13, the number of cases of HPV, along with the cancers they cause, could be dramatically reduced in the future.

Corrie Drumm is a policy advisor and Fiona Osgun is a health information manager at Cancer Research UK.

Update 19/07/2018: The Scottish and Welsh Governments have announced that they will follow the recommendation and offer the HPV vaccine to boys.

Update 24/07/2018: The Department of Health and Social Care have accepted the recommendation to extend the HPV vaccination programme to boys in England.

Update 08/04/2019: The Department of Health has announced it will offer the HPV vaccine to boys aged 12-13 in Northern Ireland.


  • Alison Hewitt
    30 October 2018

    I think its brilliant news I was diagnosed with vulva cancer four year ago I had seven hour operation and 32 sessions of radio therapy I’m in remission now but it doesn’t always end with happy results like mine if a injection can stamp cancers out well I’m all for boys having it as well

  • Karen carver
    25 September 2018

    Brilliant news as I have a 13 year old son

  • Santhosh P S
    22 August 2018

    Hi my self SANTHOSH P S from India Karnataka Bangalore.. my grandfather 83 years old is suffering from the prostate cancer Blood reports PSA reached 100. Is it possible to prevent the spread of cancer please suggest me for further assistance please suggest me earlier.
    Thanking you

  • San
    16 August 2018

    Keep it, don’t want my grandson to every have it. Don’t trust it or anything the government says.

    They have never been truthful about any vaccine, and they are not gonna start now, so keep it.

  • Katie Roberts
    15 August 2018

    Hi Janet,
    Thanks for your comment. The Welsh Government have committed to extending the vaccine to boys, we’re waiting for details of when and how this will be introduced.
    Katie, Cancer Research UK

  • Katie Roberts
    15 August 2018

    Hi Teresa,
    Thanks for your comment. The vaccine isn’t available on the NHS yet, we’re waiting to hear the full details of the vaccination programme, including when it will be introduced. Once it is boys will either be vaccinated through an organised programme and they will receive a letter about this, or they will be able to get the vaccine at their GP as long as they meet the criteria.
    Katie, Cancer Research UK

  • Katie Roberts
    15 August 2018

    Hi Donna and Karen,
    Thanks for your comment about who will be offered the vaccine. We are still waiting for the full details of the vaccination programme for boys from the Government. Cancer Research UK is calling for a catch-up programme when the vaccine is introduced. A catch-up programme would mean that all boys up to the age of 18 will be offered the HPV vaccine, as happened when girls were first offered the HPV vaccine.
    Best wishes,
    Katie, Cancer Research UK

  • John Chambers
    14 August 2018

    Do l need this cancer jab or should I talk to my doctor.

  • Angela macdonald
    13 August 2018

    Anything that can prevent cancer I am definitely for great news

  • Margaret bale
    13 August 2018

    Wonderful news perhaps this will save lives. Not before time

  • Jennet Bryan
    13 August 2018

    At last. So happy about this no brainer of a decision. Now my 5 month old grandson will be vaccinated when he’s older.

  • Charlotte Faulkner
    13 August 2018

    Fantastic news

  • Tina
    13 August 2018

    Great news! Should’ve been done sooner – any cancer is a killer it has no preferences!!

  • Tracy Salzen
    13 August 2018

    I am so glad that the HPV injection will be given to boys aswell as girls . This is a fantastic move forward for cancer prevention.

  • Billy Fitzgerald
    13 August 2018

    It’s a good idea every one should have it

  • LouLou
    13 August 2018

    Great news !
    Fantastic work being done –
    Thank you all for everything you do 😊

  • Debbie
    13 August 2018

    Great news.

  • Kim
    13 August 2018

    So it would prevent anus cancer in females but not males? Would it not prevent it for both. Thank you

  • Renée Knight
    11 August 2018

    Great news! It makes such good common sense to make it a generic vaccination for all adolescence.

  • Jennie-Wren
    10 August 2018

    I would want to know much more about the vaccine before making a decision.

  • teresa fogg
    10 August 2018

    Can I take my son to the doctors to get this now?

  • ANNE Thomas
    10 August 2018

    This is great news ,the need for this vaccine is long long overdue.

  • Janet Porter
    10 August 2018

    It is a very good idea to extend the vaccine to boys as well as girls, however, I live in Wales and would like to know if it will be introduced there.

  • Marc Maury
    10 August 2018

    Very good idea

  • Shirley Morse
    10 August 2018

    If it really has been proved successful in girls then it seems sensible that boys should be offered it.

  • Troy
    10 August 2018

    JCVI is hugely biased (under pressure from government) towards saving money and any logic can be given to cost cut. Remember, there is no shortage of money bribing DUP or bombing and sending unnecessary troops to other countries or – but there is always shortage of money providing healthcare and vaccine to our young children – remember Meningitis B as well ! There is no excuse of not giving boys (and older men) HPV vaccine! It costs £450 if you are taking privately (only Boots offer).

  • John
    9 August 2018

    I lost my wife to anal cancer three years ago but her oncologist couldn’t confirm whether or not it was HPV related. Not only did she suffer dreadful physical symptoms but also emotional distress from those symptoms and embarrassment that some might assume she had been indulging in risky sexual activities. I had the pain of watching her suffering and decline and the anxiety that perhaps I had passed the virus to her. I can understand the fear of possible adverse consequences from the vaccine but please balance that against the risk of the ghastly disease itself.

  • Andy H
    9 August 2018

    I was diagnosed with HPV related throat cancer 2 years ago and still going for 3 month scans, I had no idea about this virus as everybody talks about girls being vaccinated at an early age. Its frightening that boys were never vaccinated the same as girls considering the publicity its had over the years, Michael Douglas the actor springs to mind. I was diagnosed at the age of 54 and with 2 very young children the pressures on us as a family were immense. If having boys vaccinated early on prevents what we went through, as well as the stigma attached to cancer then its a great thing and should start as soon as possible.

  • Ian
    9 August 2018

    I think that more transparent research needs to be carried out with this vaccine. My step-daughter was guilt tripped in to having the HPV jab by a well meaning teacher. She is now one of many who suffers life changing complications that manifested themselves after she was vaccinated. I note that there are others on this chain who have posted links, please take the time to look at them.

    More has to be done to safeguard those predisposed to suffering the side effects.

  • Louise cooper
    8 August 2018

    Think it’s great that the vaccine will be offered to boys

  • Lesleyanne
    7 August 2018

    Hi I think this is brilliant. I see it is only boys between 11 and 13 that can receive the vaccination. My son is 14, will I be able to take him to my GP to have it

  • Karen
    7 August 2018

    I have two boys (aged 14&15). Will they be offered this?

  • Donna
    7 August 2018

    This is great news that Boys are being vaccinated. I have a 13, 15 & 18 yr old boys so hope these will be available to them

  • Elaine Taylor
    6 August 2018

    This is very good. I was just wondering about boys slightly older, my grandson is just 15. Will he miss out. I’ve also 2 others 17 and 21.

  • Debbie POWELL
    5 August 2018

    Not a moment too soon, it is not only cost saving but life saving. It just makes perfect sense, with the HPV prevention is better than cure!

  • Ujj
    4 August 2018

    This is not intended to scare at all. These are information available freely on the net.

  • Ujj
    4 August 2018

    Take care to read the dangers of vaccines. There are articles all over the net. Don’t let your children be vaccinated.

  • Geoff Pyke
    3 August 2018

    So what if you have like myself and Jack Marsh who have had Cancer related to HPV mine was 16 in my tonsils can it reoccur as a result of further infection?

  • Felicity Baker
    3 August 2018

    Surprised it hadn’t been done earlier. Vaccinate don’t procrastinate !

    3 August 2018

    I fully support this move, I have just recovered from throat cancer which was HPV related, as a non smoker I was unaware that I could get throat cancer, I donate to cancer research through direct debit but strongly feel that government should fund this also.

  • Melanie Shingler
    2 August 2018

    I hope they do the catch up programme soon as I have a son who has just turned 14 therefore he will be outside the age bracket, I back this vaccine & would want my son to have this like his sister has.

  • Lisa
    2 August 2018

    I think this is an excellent thing. I have one 16yr old boys and one 20yr old boy, I wish I could pay for them both to have the vacation

  • Kate rayner
    2 August 2018

    This is brilliant under the cancer family history clinic.and are a moderate risk for breast/overium cancer.all the female cousins in my family including myself can have or have yearly mammograms due to the often worried me for the boys as some of the male cancers have been connected too.i do wonder why these are only availiable to young teenagers though and us who are already at a risk.

  • Lynda
    2 August 2018

    It’s unfair just to focus on children. Adults need to be offered this or similar


  • Alison Hewitt
    30 October 2018

    I think its brilliant news I was diagnosed with vulva cancer four year ago I had seven hour operation and 32 sessions of radio therapy I’m in remission now but it doesn’t always end with happy results like mine if a injection can stamp cancers out well I’m all for boys having it as well

  • Karen carver
    25 September 2018

    Brilliant news as I have a 13 year old son

  • Santhosh P S
    22 August 2018

    Hi my self SANTHOSH P S from India Karnataka Bangalore.. my grandfather 83 years old is suffering from the prostate cancer Blood reports PSA reached 100. Is it possible to prevent the spread of cancer please suggest me for further assistance please suggest me earlier.
    Thanking you

  • San
    16 August 2018

    Keep it, don’t want my grandson to every have it. Don’t trust it or anything the government says.

    They have never been truthful about any vaccine, and they are not gonna start now, so keep it.

  • Katie Roberts
    15 August 2018

    Hi Janet,
    Thanks for your comment. The Welsh Government have committed to extending the vaccine to boys, we’re waiting for details of when and how this will be introduced.
    Katie, Cancer Research UK

  • Katie Roberts
    15 August 2018

    Hi Teresa,
    Thanks for your comment. The vaccine isn’t available on the NHS yet, we’re waiting to hear the full details of the vaccination programme, including when it will be introduced. Once it is boys will either be vaccinated through an organised programme and they will receive a letter about this, or they will be able to get the vaccine at their GP as long as they meet the criteria.
    Katie, Cancer Research UK

  • Katie Roberts
    15 August 2018

    Hi Donna and Karen,
    Thanks for your comment about who will be offered the vaccine. We are still waiting for the full details of the vaccination programme for boys from the Government. Cancer Research UK is calling for a catch-up programme when the vaccine is introduced. A catch-up programme would mean that all boys up to the age of 18 will be offered the HPV vaccine, as happened when girls were first offered the HPV vaccine.
    Best wishes,
    Katie, Cancer Research UK

  • John Chambers
    14 August 2018

    Do l need this cancer jab or should I talk to my doctor.

  • Angela macdonald
    13 August 2018

    Anything that can prevent cancer I am definitely for great news

  • Margaret bale
    13 August 2018

    Wonderful news perhaps this will save lives. Not before time

  • Jennet Bryan
    13 August 2018

    At last. So happy about this no brainer of a decision. Now my 5 month old grandson will be vaccinated when he’s older.

  • Charlotte Faulkner
    13 August 2018

    Fantastic news

  • Tina
    13 August 2018

    Great news! Should’ve been done sooner – any cancer is a killer it has no preferences!!

  • Tracy Salzen
    13 August 2018

    I am so glad that the HPV injection will be given to boys aswell as girls . This is a fantastic move forward for cancer prevention.

  • Billy Fitzgerald
    13 August 2018

    It’s a good idea every one should have it

  • LouLou
    13 August 2018

    Great news !
    Fantastic work being done –
    Thank you all for everything you do 😊

  • Debbie
    13 August 2018

    Great news.

  • Kim
    13 August 2018

    So it would prevent anus cancer in females but not males? Would it not prevent it for both. Thank you

  • Renée Knight
    11 August 2018

    Great news! It makes such good common sense to make it a generic vaccination for all adolescence.

  • Jennie-Wren
    10 August 2018

    I would want to know much more about the vaccine before making a decision.

  • teresa fogg
    10 August 2018

    Can I take my son to the doctors to get this now?

  • ANNE Thomas
    10 August 2018

    This is great news ,the need for this vaccine is long long overdue.

  • Janet Porter
    10 August 2018

    It is a very good idea to extend the vaccine to boys as well as girls, however, I live in Wales and would like to know if it will be introduced there.

  • Marc Maury
    10 August 2018

    Very good idea

  • Shirley Morse
    10 August 2018

    If it really has been proved successful in girls then it seems sensible that boys should be offered it.

  • Troy
    10 August 2018

    JCVI is hugely biased (under pressure from government) towards saving money and any logic can be given to cost cut. Remember, there is no shortage of money bribing DUP or bombing and sending unnecessary troops to other countries or – but there is always shortage of money providing healthcare and vaccine to our young children – remember Meningitis B as well ! There is no excuse of not giving boys (and older men) HPV vaccine! It costs £450 if you are taking privately (only Boots offer).

  • John
    9 August 2018

    I lost my wife to anal cancer three years ago but her oncologist couldn’t confirm whether or not it was HPV related. Not only did she suffer dreadful physical symptoms but also emotional distress from those symptoms and embarrassment that some might assume she had been indulging in risky sexual activities. I had the pain of watching her suffering and decline and the anxiety that perhaps I had passed the virus to her. I can understand the fear of possible adverse consequences from the vaccine but please balance that against the risk of the ghastly disease itself.

  • Andy H
    9 August 2018

    I was diagnosed with HPV related throat cancer 2 years ago and still going for 3 month scans, I had no idea about this virus as everybody talks about girls being vaccinated at an early age. Its frightening that boys were never vaccinated the same as girls considering the publicity its had over the years, Michael Douglas the actor springs to mind. I was diagnosed at the age of 54 and with 2 very young children the pressures on us as a family were immense. If having boys vaccinated early on prevents what we went through, as well as the stigma attached to cancer then its a great thing and should start as soon as possible.

  • Ian
    9 August 2018

    I think that more transparent research needs to be carried out with this vaccine. My step-daughter was guilt tripped in to having the HPV jab by a well meaning teacher. She is now one of many who suffers life changing complications that manifested themselves after she was vaccinated. I note that there are others on this chain who have posted links, please take the time to look at them.

    More has to be done to safeguard those predisposed to suffering the side effects.

  • Louise cooper
    8 August 2018

    Think it’s great that the vaccine will be offered to boys

  • Lesleyanne
    7 August 2018

    Hi I think this is brilliant. I see it is only boys between 11 and 13 that can receive the vaccination. My son is 14, will I be able to take him to my GP to have it

  • Karen
    7 August 2018

    I have two boys (aged 14&15). Will they be offered this?

  • Donna
    7 August 2018

    This is great news that Boys are being vaccinated. I have a 13, 15 & 18 yr old boys so hope these will be available to them

  • Elaine Taylor
    6 August 2018

    This is very good. I was just wondering about boys slightly older, my grandson is just 15. Will he miss out. I’ve also 2 others 17 and 21.

  • Debbie POWELL
    5 August 2018

    Not a moment too soon, it is not only cost saving but life saving. It just makes perfect sense, with the HPV prevention is better than cure!

  • Ujj
    4 August 2018

    This is not intended to scare at all. These are information available freely on the net.

  • Ujj
    4 August 2018

    Take care to read the dangers of vaccines. There are articles all over the net. Don’t let your children be vaccinated.

  • Geoff Pyke
    3 August 2018

    So what if you have like myself and Jack Marsh who have had Cancer related to HPV mine was 16 in my tonsils can it reoccur as a result of further infection?

  • Felicity Baker
    3 August 2018

    Surprised it hadn’t been done earlier. Vaccinate don’t procrastinate !

    3 August 2018

    I fully support this move, I have just recovered from throat cancer which was HPV related, as a non smoker I was unaware that I could get throat cancer, I donate to cancer research through direct debit but strongly feel that government should fund this also.

  • Melanie Shingler
    2 August 2018

    I hope they do the catch up programme soon as I have a son who has just turned 14 therefore he will be outside the age bracket, I back this vaccine & would want my son to have this like his sister has.

  • Lisa
    2 August 2018

    I think this is an excellent thing. I have one 16yr old boys and one 20yr old boy, I wish I could pay for them both to have the vacation

  • Kate rayner
    2 August 2018

    This is brilliant under the cancer family history clinic.and are a moderate risk for breast/overium cancer.all the female cousins in my family including myself can have or have yearly mammograms due to the often worried me for the boys as some of the male cancers have been connected too.i do wonder why these are only availiable to young teenagers though and us who are already at a risk.

  • Lynda
    2 August 2018

    It’s unfair just to focus on children. Adults need to be offered this or similar