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A breath test with the goal of detecting multiple cancers is ready to start trials

by Gabriella Beer | Analysis

3 January 2019

39 comments 39 comments

This post is 6 years old, so some information may be outdated

The warning signs for cancer can be vague. When people go to their GP with symptoms like heartburn or indigestion, it’s hard to say during their first appointment if cancer is to blame or if, most often, it’s something far less serious.

At the moment, being offered a simple test that points either way, or flags those who need to go to a specialist for further tests, isn’t possible across a wide range of cancers.

But Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald, a Cancer Research UK-funded scientist from the MRC Cancer Unit at the University of Cambridge, is leading a trial that’s looking to bring a potential cancer test like this closer to the clinic. And all that’s needed is a person’s breath.

“The PAN trial is seeing if you can use a breath test device that detects volatile molecules from the breath to identify patients that might have an early cancer that they don’t know about,” says Fitzgerald.

Testing a range of cancers

The trial, running in collaboration with Owlstone Medical at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, will test the company’s Breath Biopsy® technology that picks up distinctive molecules released by cells as they make and process energy (metabolism).

This is a pilot study, so first we’re looking at a range of cancers to see if we get a signal and compare the signal to healthy individuals.

Professor Rebecca Fitzgerald, trial lead

And it’s the first trial to look at whether this technology can pick up a range of cancers.

“Intuitively, lung cancer seems the most obvious cancer to be detected in the breath,” says Fitzgerald, adding that lung cancer breath studies using the Owlstone tech are already ongoing.

“But because of the way metabolites are recycled in the body, many other volatile molecules from other areas of the body end up in the breath too.”

By 2021, Fitzgerald and the team at Owlstone aim to have collected and analysed the breath of 1,500 people. They want to find patterns, or ‘signatures’, in the breath molecules from people who are either healthy or who have suspected oesophageal, stomach, prostate, kidney, bladder, liver or pancreatic cancer.

“This is a pilot study, so first we’re looking at a range of cancers to see if we get a signal and compare the signal to healthy individuals,” says Fitzgerald.

If the sophisticated tech can tell apart cancer signatures and healthy ones, the team will next see if there are differences between cancer types, or if there’s just one ‘cancer signature’.

A real-life scenario

Fitzgerald says the most important thing about this trial is the design.

“We’re not just doing this retrospectively with people with advanced cancer,” she says. Instead, the trial will recruit people who have gone to their doctor because they have potential symptoms of cancer, or because they have a condition that puts them at a higher risk of developing the disease.

To give us a better idea if this tech would be useful in GP surgeries, people’s breath signatures need to be recorded no matter what their diagnosis ends up being.

Take kidney (renal) cancer as an example. “We need to compare patients who have suspected renal cancer who might have blood in their urine, but it actually turns out to be nothing, with those who are showing the same symptom but have cancer,” says Fitzgerald.

Who’s taking part?

People at higher risk of certain cancers could be the first to benefit from this type of test. Barrett’s oesophagus is a condition that can sometimes develop into oesophageal cancer, with between 1 and 5 people in every 100 with Barrett’s going on to develop the disease.

Rebecca has had Barrett’s oesophagus for over 20 years .

Rebecca, aged 54, has had the condition for over 20 years and needs careful monitoring. She has an endoscopy every 2 years to keep an eye on things.

“I’m used to endoscopies by now, you just have to get on with them. But they can be painful and invasive, so when I have one I choose to be sedated.”

Rebecca says it’s unpleasant seeing the “fairly large” tube go down her throat. “The procedure means a whole day out and it takes quite a while to recover afterwards.”

Endoscopies also leave her very sore because tissue samples are taken from her oesophagus so they can be tested in the lab for cancer cells.

Rebecca says she’d certainly like to see less invasive tests that could be used to detect cancer. That’s why she agreed to be one of the first people to take part in the PAN trial.

“Something like a breath test sounds so much better than what I have to have, so I was very happy to do the trial. After the breath test I felt fine, it was a very easy and there was no discomfort.”

“The more these conditions can be researched, and kinder detection tests developed, the better,” she adds.

Future screening tool

Depending on how these early trials go, the breath test could reach further than keeping an eye on those with a raised risk of cancer. This technology has the potential to be used on the wider population as a screening tool to find early cancers in people without symptoms of cancer.

“We need to make it as easy as possible for the individual to have a breath test,” she says. “Ideally the device would be in the GP setting.”

But before the Breath Biopsy® can reach GP surgeries, several large studies would need to confirm any benefits outweigh any risks.

“Eventually, I imagine it used as a screening tool where you test well people, or a triage test that can sit in the surgery to help GPs know who to refer.”

What’s next?

The future of Owlstone’s breath test depends on what the data from this first trial shows. By the time each sample has been analysed they hope to have a fixed breath signature for cancer, or better, multiple signatures that single out different cancer types.

The biggest challenge the researchers face is getting enough patients across the variety of cancers they want to investigate. But Fitzgerald and the team are confident that the simple, non-invasive nature of the test should hopefully mean it gets some interest.

“All we need from our participants is around 10 minutes of breath. I have no doubt that if the individuals come forward, then we’ll have enough data to make the necessary conclusions that, if promising, can bring a cancer breath test one step closer to patients and their doctors.”


If you’re interested in being involved in the clinical trial, please email Rachel de la Rue, research nurse: [email protected]. Healthy volunteers don’t need to live in the Cambridge area to take part, but they would need to be prepared to travel to Addenbrooke’s hospital in Cambridge for the study. Other participants will be recruited following a referral from their GP and will therefore likely come from the local area.


  • kathleen
    2 April 2019

    just read in a magazine about this test. i hope it will be successful. i would love to participate in trial.

  • Georgina Brooks
    9 March 2019

    Anything that can make cancer detection easier and less invasive is a big thumbs up in my book!!

  • David Woods
    17 February 2019

    An endoscopy is not too invasive and I find that sedation is not necessary. The procedure normally takes 2 – 5 minutes and whilst I experience some gagging, the throat spray makes the procedure painless. The tube is small in diameter and slips down the throat – there is some discomfort, but it is not too bad. I had an esophagectomy 5 years ago following early detection of cancer during an ensoscopy – so you will understand my support for the procedure.

  • Roheena
    16 February 2019

    Honestly it’s such a wonderful news. My son wants to become dr cause he wants to find cure.

  • Joan Baum
    14 February 2019

    Research is the only way to combat any disease especially cancer, I can think of no better way of helping than people offering themselves up for test trials, information on family background, and donating money or time.

  • alan hewett
    14 February 2019

    sounds good brilliant breakthrough.

  • Roger Waldron
    14 February 2019

    Sounds like a fabulous piece of equipment. Having just lost my dear wife to pancreatic cancer count me in on the clinical trials for this new piece of kit.

  • Joanna W
    14 February 2019

    Amazing news, I hope this will be in use in all GP surgeries soon. It will save lives.

  • David jones
    13 February 2019

    All a bit late for my son this should be in place soon as it would have saved him got it erlier maybe he would have had a chance

  • Sue Axton
    13 February 2019

    Excellent news, I so hope this will be in full use in every GP’s surgery in the very near future!! Well done to all concerned!!!

  • L davies
    13 February 2019

    Having had kidney cancer I think this is a great breakthrough so grateful for cancer research.

  • Asha nair
    13 February 2019

    Brilliant. I was diagnosed with rectal cancer in 2012, am on remission . I would like to do the trial.

  • Kath Cully
    13 February 2019

    This sounds like a brilliant step forward,if the test were done in Sheffield,I would definitely put myself forward as healthy person

  • Louise Thomas
    12 February 2019

    What a wonderful development, really hope it goes from strength to strength!

  • Irene Carpenter
    12 February 2019

    I think that this will be brilliant

  • David wright
    12 February 2019

    Sounds promising another step

  • Valerie Berthoud
    12 February 2019

    If this proves to be successful it would be a fantastic screening tool which in the long term would help save the NHS money and also be such a simple non invasive test for the population in general.

  • Elizabeth Barber
    12 February 2019

    This is potentially such exciting progress in the battle against cancer, which affects everybody at some time in their lives. I would be very interested to get involved in the clinical trial.

  • Helen Seedhouse
    12 February 2019

    Brilliant breakthrough. A non invasive,non damaging test to identify the disease has to be progress. Well done and good luck to the team.

  • Juile richards
    11 February 2019

    L think it will be good as my daughter got breasts cancer

  • Sue Bywater
    11 February 2019

    Having just lost a very close friend to Asbestos cancer, anything that can help in the detection of all cancers is a must. To be able to help detect the cancer at an early stage is worth while.

  • Sheila
    10 February 2019

    Any test that can help diagnosis earlier is surely worth it and especially if it’s simple and painless.

  • Dee Murrell
    10 February 2019

    Any pioneering testing to beat cancer is a MUST. Breath testing is a phenomenal idea just like breath testing drunk drivers. This is fabulous news to hear. One step closer to beating this horrendous disease. Well Done to All The Team

  • Susan laugharne
    8 February 2019

    What a brilliant idea

  • SLyon
    8 February 2019

    People with IPMNs have a high risk of pancreatic cancer. I truly hope the clinical trial is looking into this area as well especially as the outcome for pancan patients is extremely poor.

  • Mrs Valerie Parson
    25 January 2019

    These trials sound wonderful to detect cancer at its early stages.
    Will they eventually be done nationwide?

  • Lisa
    8 January 2019

    Sounds great! I really hope this becomes a part of a doctor’s surgery to put patients minds at rest and detect cancer early in other patients, so there is an increased chance of survival. I’m forever worried about getting cancer ever since losing 2 members of my family with it- it’s caused health anxiety.

  • Catherine byrne
    5 January 2019

    I am in remission from breast cancer and would like to take part in your trials.

  • Lily vrhodes
    4 January 2019

    Brilliant why don’t they do a small charge do people can just go and have this test.

  • Eugene Ihere
    4 January 2019

    I think if the breath test device is fully developed, it will improve a better way of detecting multiple cancer,and also reduce the painful invasive system.

  • Karen Perkins
    4 January 2019

    I have Barrett’s Osophegus and it’s monitored by endoscopies which are extremely uncomfortable and scary. I hope the Breathe test will eventually be used to check my Barrett’s in the future.

  • Nick Peel
    3 January 2019

    Thanks everyone for your comments.
    If you’re interested in being involved in the clinical trial, please email Rachel de la Rue, research nurse: [email protected]. Healthy volunteers don’t need to live in the Cambridge area to take part, but they would need to be prepared to travel to Addenbrooke’s hospital in Cambridge for the study. Other participants will be recruited following a referral from their GP and will therefore likely come from the local area.
    Best wishes,
    Nick, Cancer Research UK

  • Lisa Rutter
    3 January 2019

    I have breast cancer which has led to skeletal and spinal cancer I would be very happy to be used under this trial and hope to help others. I am terminal but well at 50

  • Cheryl Wiseman
    3 January 2019

    How do I apply for this trial?

  • Angela Holder
    3 January 2019

    I have had osophogeal cancer within the last 2 years I would be more than happy if there was a trial

    3 January 2019

    I have had bladder cancer 3 times have cystoscopy every 9 months would be more than happy to trial this

  • Sandra
    3 January 2019

    I think it’s a great thing yo do I have endoscopy as I keep getting pain.

  • Peanuts
    3 January 2019

    How can we apply to participate?

  • Leasa
    3 January 2019

    I’d like to volunteer


  • kathleen
    2 April 2019

    just read in a magazine about this test. i hope it will be successful. i would love to participate in trial.

  • Georgina Brooks
    9 March 2019

    Anything that can make cancer detection easier and less invasive is a big thumbs up in my book!!

  • David Woods
    17 February 2019

    An endoscopy is not too invasive and I find that sedation is not necessary. The procedure normally takes 2 – 5 minutes and whilst I experience some gagging, the throat spray makes the procedure painless. The tube is small in diameter and slips down the throat – there is some discomfort, but it is not too bad. I had an esophagectomy 5 years ago following early detection of cancer during an ensoscopy – so you will understand my support for the procedure.

  • Roheena
    16 February 2019

    Honestly it’s such a wonderful news. My son wants to become dr cause he wants to find cure.

  • Joan Baum
    14 February 2019

    Research is the only way to combat any disease especially cancer, I can think of no better way of helping than people offering themselves up for test trials, information on family background, and donating money or time.

  • alan hewett
    14 February 2019

    sounds good brilliant breakthrough.

  • Roger Waldron
    14 February 2019

    Sounds like a fabulous piece of equipment. Having just lost my dear wife to pancreatic cancer count me in on the clinical trials for this new piece of kit.

  • Joanna W
    14 February 2019

    Amazing news, I hope this will be in use in all GP surgeries soon. It will save lives.

  • David jones
    13 February 2019

    All a bit late for my son this should be in place soon as it would have saved him got it erlier maybe he would have had a chance

  • Sue Axton
    13 February 2019

    Excellent news, I so hope this will be in full use in every GP’s surgery in the very near future!! Well done to all concerned!!!

  • L davies
    13 February 2019

    Having had kidney cancer I think this is a great breakthrough so grateful for cancer research.

  • Asha nair
    13 February 2019

    Brilliant. I was diagnosed with rectal cancer in 2012, am on remission . I would like to do the trial.

  • Kath Cully
    13 February 2019

    This sounds like a brilliant step forward,if the test were done in Sheffield,I would definitely put myself forward as healthy person

  • Louise Thomas
    12 February 2019

    What a wonderful development, really hope it goes from strength to strength!

  • Irene Carpenter
    12 February 2019

    I think that this will be brilliant

  • David wright
    12 February 2019

    Sounds promising another step

  • Valerie Berthoud
    12 February 2019

    If this proves to be successful it would be a fantastic screening tool which in the long term would help save the NHS money and also be such a simple non invasive test for the population in general.

  • Elizabeth Barber
    12 February 2019

    This is potentially such exciting progress in the battle against cancer, which affects everybody at some time in their lives. I would be very interested to get involved in the clinical trial.

  • Helen Seedhouse
    12 February 2019

    Brilliant breakthrough. A non invasive,non damaging test to identify the disease has to be progress. Well done and good luck to the team.

  • Juile richards
    11 February 2019

    L think it will be good as my daughter got breasts cancer

  • Sue Bywater
    11 February 2019

    Having just lost a very close friend to Asbestos cancer, anything that can help in the detection of all cancers is a must. To be able to help detect the cancer at an early stage is worth while.

  • Sheila
    10 February 2019

    Any test that can help diagnosis earlier is surely worth it and especially if it’s simple and painless.

  • Dee Murrell
    10 February 2019

    Any pioneering testing to beat cancer is a MUST. Breath testing is a phenomenal idea just like breath testing drunk drivers. This is fabulous news to hear. One step closer to beating this horrendous disease. Well Done to All The Team

  • Susan laugharne
    8 February 2019

    What a brilliant idea

  • SLyon
    8 February 2019

    People with IPMNs have a high risk of pancreatic cancer. I truly hope the clinical trial is looking into this area as well especially as the outcome for pancan patients is extremely poor.

  • Mrs Valerie Parson
    25 January 2019

    These trials sound wonderful to detect cancer at its early stages.
    Will they eventually be done nationwide?

  • Lisa
    8 January 2019

    Sounds great! I really hope this becomes a part of a doctor’s surgery to put patients minds at rest and detect cancer early in other patients, so there is an increased chance of survival. I’m forever worried about getting cancer ever since losing 2 members of my family with it- it’s caused health anxiety.

  • Catherine byrne
    5 January 2019

    I am in remission from breast cancer and would like to take part in your trials.

  • Lily vrhodes
    4 January 2019

    Brilliant why don’t they do a small charge do people can just go and have this test.

  • Eugene Ihere
    4 January 2019

    I think if the breath test device is fully developed, it will improve a better way of detecting multiple cancer,and also reduce the painful invasive system.

  • Karen Perkins
    4 January 2019

    I have Barrett’s Osophegus and it’s monitored by endoscopies which are extremely uncomfortable and scary. I hope the Breathe test will eventually be used to check my Barrett’s in the future.

  • Nick Peel
    3 January 2019

    Thanks everyone for your comments.
    If you’re interested in being involved in the clinical trial, please email Rachel de la Rue, research nurse: [email protected]. Healthy volunteers don’t need to live in the Cambridge area to take part, but they would need to be prepared to travel to Addenbrooke’s hospital in Cambridge for the study. Other participants will be recruited following a referral from their GP and will therefore likely come from the local area.
    Best wishes,
    Nick, Cancer Research UK

  • Lisa Rutter
    3 January 2019

    I have breast cancer which has led to skeletal and spinal cancer I would be very happy to be used under this trial and hope to help others. I am terminal but well at 50

  • Cheryl Wiseman
    3 January 2019

    How do I apply for this trial?

  • Angela Holder
    3 January 2019

    I have had osophogeal cancer within the last 2 years I would be more than happy if there was a trial

    3 January 2019

    I have had bladder cancer 3 times have cystoscopy every 9 months would be more than happy to trial this

  • Sandra
    3 January 2019

    I think it’s a great thing yo do I have endoscopy as I keep getting pain.

  • Peanuts
    3 January 2019

    How can we apply to participate?

  • Leasa
    3 January 2019

    I’d like to volunteer