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Showcase your science in our first ever image campaign

by Cancer Research UK | In depth

29 April 2024

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Cancer Cells
Credit: LRI

Help us celebrate the beauty of your science in our Research is Beautiful image campaign – send your images now!

This entry is part 1 of 11 in the series Research is Beautiful
Series NavigationFirst ever winner in our Research is Beautiful campaign >>

By the help of microscopes, there is nothing so small, as to escape our inquiry; hence there is a new visible world discovered to the understanding.

- Robert Hooke

We know the level of dedication you put into your research – and we want to celebrate, not just the outcomes, but the process. The everyday wins – big and small – the progress, the disappointments and everything in between.

So, we invite you to share your perspective, your passion, and your research with us.

The Research is Beautiful campaign is open to all scientists and support staff involved in cancer research over 18. We are looking for images that showcase your research – from the microcosm to the macrocosm – you and your fellow researchers in action as well as research environments spanning from the lab to research events. Anything you think that captures your work, or your passion for your work is welcome.

Cancer Cell

Send your images!

To enter, e-mail your photos to [email protected] with a short caption and your contact details. Images should be sent as JPEG files and, ideally, be at least 2000px. Feel free to email this address if you have any questions.

Each month, a panel of CRUK staff will review the submissions and choose the best image(s) that month. Successful entrants will be notified directly and the image(s) will be showcased on Cancer News for Researchers and our social-media platforms X and LinkedIn.

The campaign is open to UK residents aged 18 or over. Please ensure before submitting an entry that you have read the campaign terms and conditions.

T&Cs here