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Lilly Matson

Lilly studied natural sciences at the University of Nottingham, majoring in biology and physical geography. After working as a project coordinator for a hospital charity, she completed a Master’s in science communication at Imperial College London. She joined the digital news team at Cancer Research UK in December 2019, writing for Cancer News and creating short science films and animations. She has since left Cancer Research UK.
Lilly Matson
Showing 12 out of 66 results

2020 has certainly been tough, and no industry has been left untouched by the effects of the pandemic. And while the same undoubtedly goes for our work, we’ve once again been inspired by the resilience and determination of our researchers. 2020 has certainly been tough, and no industry has been left untouched by the effects of the pandemic. And while the same undoubtedly goes for our work, we’ve once again been inspired by the resilience and determination of our researchers.

by Lilly Matson | Analysis | 27 December 2020

27 December 2020

A team of our scientists at University College London have developed a potential new immunotherapy drug and caused another paradigm shift in our understanding of how cancer immunotherapy works. A team of our scientists at University College London have developed a potential new immunotherapy drug and caused another paradigm shift in our understanding of how cancer immunotherapy works.

by Lilly Matson | Analysis | 9 November 2020

9 November 2020

blood samples

Researchers have found an existing ovarian cancer blood test is far more predictive than originally thought and could potentially pick up other forms of cancer. Researchers have found an existing ovarian cancer blood test is far more predictive than originally thought and could potentially pick up other forms of cancer.

by Lilly Matson | Analysis | 28 October 2020

28 October 2020

We spoke to Professor Lou Chesler and Dr Lynley Marshall about the innovative studies that are aiming to make children's cancer treatment more tailored. We spoke to Professor Lou Chesler and Dr Lynley Marshall about the innovative studies that are aiming to make children's cancer treatment more tailored.

by Lilly Matson | Analysis | 2 September 2020

2 September 2020

We caught up with two of our researchers about how COVID-19 has impacted their work, and what the next few months looks like for them. We caught up with two of our researchers about how COVID-19 has impacted their work, and what the next few months looks like for them.

by Lilly Matson | Analysis | 4 August 2020

4 August 2020

CRUK scientist in a lab

We caught up with a number of researchers about how COVID-19 has impacted their work, and what the next few months looks like for them. We caught up with a number of researchers about how COVID-19 has impacted their work, and what the next few months looks like for them.

by Lilly Matson | Analysis | 7 July 2020

7 July 2020

Our scientists have been hunting for patterns that could reveals clues about metabolism and cancer. Our scientists have been hunting for patterns that could reveals clues about metabolism and cancer.

by Lilly Matson | Analysis | 19 June 2020

19 June 2020