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Pap smear

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Sânziana Foia in the lab with an image of Papcup, the new HPV test she has designed for cervical screening, on a laptop.

Sânziana Foia is developing a cervical screening device designed to detect high-risk HPV in menstrual blood within minutes. It could help remove some of the biggest barriers to cervical screening, helping many more eligible people take part.  Sânziana Foia is developing a cervical screening device designed to detect high-risk HPV in menstrual blood within minutes. It could help remove some of the biggest barriers to cervical screening, helping many more eligible people take part. 

by Sadaf Shafaghmotlagh | Analysis | 4 September 2024

4 September 2024

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Women who have had the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine could need only two HPV screening tests for the rest of their lives according to new calculations being presented at the NCRI Cancer Conference in Liverpool. Women who have had the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine could need only two HPV screening tests for the rest of their lives according to new calculations being presented at the NCRI Cancer Conference in Liverpool.

by The National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) | News | 10 November 2010

10 November 2010