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Sun & UV

Showing 12 out of 92 results
  • Science & Technology
  • Health & Medicine

Why cancer is (still) more than just ‘bad luck’

New research has uncovered a possible explanation for why some cancers are more common than others, we explore the details. New research has uncovered a possible explanation for why some cancers are more common than others, we explore the details.

by Emma Smith | Analysis | 25 August 2016

25 August 2016

To mark World Cancer Day, we take a look at how our discoveries over the decades are helping cancer patients all over the world right now. To mark World Cancer Day, we take a look at how our discoveries over the decades are helping cancer patients all over the world right now.

by Emma Smith | Analysis | 4 February 2016

4 February 2016

vitamin pills

This morning's headlines about vitamin B3 and skin cancer were a little over the top. Here are our thoughts on the research behind the story This morning's headlines about vitamin B3 and skin cancer were a little over the top. Here are our thoughts on the research behind the story

by Henry Scowcroft | Analysis | 15 May 2015

15 May 2015

Cancer rates graphic reading '1 in 2 of us will be diagnosed with cancer in our lifetimes'

Half of us in the UK will hear the words “you have cancer” at some point in our lives. But why? We look at why rates are on the up, and what can be done. Half of us in the UK will hear the words “you have cancer” at some point in our lives. But why? We look at why rates are on the up, and what can be done.

by Greg Jones | Analysis | 4 February 2015

4 February 2015

Black cat crossing path

A recent high-profile news story claimed that cancer was 'mostly bad luck'. We look at the science behind the claims, and why the headlines were so misleading A recent high-profile news story claimed that cancer was 'mostly bad luck'. We look at the science behind the claims, and why the headlines were so misleading

by Henry Scowcroft | Analysis | 5 January 2015

5 January 2015

Lifestyle factors have caused nearly 600,000 extra cases of cancer in the UK in the past five years - so what can we do about it? Lifestyle factors have caused nearly 600,000 extra cases of cancer in the UK in the past five years - so what can we do about it?

by Nikki Smith | Analysis | 26 December 2014

26 December 2014

The sun
  • Science & Technology
  • Health & Medicine

No, sunbathing is NOT a ‘great new way to lose weight’

Research published today about sun, weight and diabetes has made for some worrying, or even misleading, headlines. Research published today about sun, weight and diabetes has made for some worrying, or even misleading, headlines.

by Sarah Williams | Analysis | 24 October 2014

24 October 2014

Summer is officially here, so we've put together a few suggestions for how you can keep children healthy this summer holiday. Summer is officially here, so we've put together a few suggestions for how you can keep children healthy this summer holiday.

by Tom Stansfeld | Analysis | 12 August 2014

12 August 2014