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England’s World Cup rugby stars help kick cancer into touch.

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by Cancer Research UK | News

21 May 2003

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ENGLAND rugby stars Phil Vickery, Kyran Bracken and Martin Corry lined up before flying off to the Rugby World Cup to tackle the issue of skin cancer with Cancer Research UK.

The world cup players backed Cancer Research UK’s SunSmart initiative to encourage people to protect themselves from the sun and be more aware of the dangers of skin cancer.

Thousands more Britons than Australians die from malignant melanoma despite the fact that more cases are diagnosed Down Under. This is largely due to a lack of public awareness and failure by patients to recognise early symptoms.

However, by following Cancer Research UK’s SunSmart code, you can help protect yourself and your family from skin cancer.

Stay in the shade between 11am-3pm

Make sure never to burn

Always cover up with a hat, loose clothing and sunglasses

Remember to take special care of babies and children

Then use factor 15+ sunscreen

Phil Vickery, said: “The Australian skin cancer campaign has made everyone aware of the need to cover up in the sun.

“Cancer Research UK’s SunSmart initiative is now doing the same thing in this country. It might not seem like a problem here but the sun’s danger is still there. You can get burnt even on a cloudy day so it is important to cover up with a hat and shades and wear a high factor sunblock.”

For more information about Cancer Research UK’s SunSmart initiative, visit the SunSmart website or for a free skin cancer leaflet, send an SAE to: Skin Cancer Leaflet, Cancer Research UK, PO Box 123, London, WC2A 3PX.

For further information contact the Cancer Research UK press office on 0207 061 8318