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Cheeky Girls say “get SunSmart on your cheeky holiday”

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by Cancer Research UK | News

5 September 2006

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In the run up to the launch of their sure-fire summer hit ‘Hooray, Hooray (It’s a Cheeky Holiday)’ on 4th August, The Cheeky Girls are backing Cancer Research UK’s SunSmart campaign to raise awareness of how to be safer in the sun, both on holiday and at home, and protect against skin cancer.

SunSmart is a joint initiative between Cancer Research UK and the Government. The nationwide campaign uses the letters S.M.A.R.T to help people remember the five important ways to protect their skin when in the sun.

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the UK and unlike most cancers, it is almost completely preventable by taking a few simple precautions. Despite this, there are over 65,000 cases reported in the UK every year and this figure is increasing.

The Cheeky Girls Gabriela and Monica say: “Everyone likes to have fun when it’s sunny, whether you’re at home or on a cheeky holiday. But getting burnt can double your chances of getting skin cancer, so it’s really important everyone follows the SunSmart code. Like the words to our new song, its really easy to remember – just think SMART!”

The SunSmart code is:

  • Stay in the shade between 11am-3pm
  • Make sure you never burn (sunburn can double your risk of skin cancer)
  • Always cover up with a t-shirt, wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses
  • Remember to take extra care with children (young skin is delicate)
  • Then use factor 15 plus sunscreen

People should also report mole changes or unusual skin growths to their doctor.

To find out more about how to be safer in the sun, visit Cancer Research UK’s SunSmart website SunSmart Website


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