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Podcast: Cracking the cancer code, rising rates, and a sponge on a string

by Kat Arney | Analysis

23 August 2011

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In this month’s podcast, we take a look at new statistics showing that cancer rates are rising alarmingly in middle-aged people, and bowel cancer risk has doubled for men.

Plus we announce a new project aimed at cracking the cancer code, and investigate why weight has a hefty impact on cancer-causing hormones in older women. And we find out how a clever sponge on a string could help oesophageal cancer screening.

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Also, the podcast is available on iTunes to subscribe and download for free.

Alternatively, go to the main podcast page on our website, where you can hear the show directly through our own Flash player. And there’s also a full transcript of the podcast available here.

We hope you enjoy it – please do let us know what you think of the podcast in the comments below, or email us at [email protected].
