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Podcast: New drugs, earlier diagnosis, and an interview with our chief executive

by Kat Arney | Analysis

14 February 2012

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This post is 13 years old, so some information may be outdated
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In this month’s podcast we find out about a fluorescent dye that could light up the early signs of oesophageal cancer and learn how a faulty gene has been unexpectedly linked to better survival from ovarian cancer.

Plus, our chief clinician responds to the decision by NICE to reject new prostate cancer drug abiraterone on grounds of cost, and we hear about a new drug trial to treat childhood leukaemia.

And finally, we’ve got an exclusive interview with our chief executive Dr Harpal Kumar as Cancer Research UK celebrates its 10th birthday, looking back on the progress we’ve made and the challenges in store for the next decade.

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Alternatively, go to the podcast page on our website, where you can hear the show directly through our own Flash player and explore previous shows in the archive. And there’s also a full transcript of the podcast available here.

We hope you enjoy it – please do let us know what you think of the podcast in the comments below, or email us at [email protected].