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Introducing our new Clinician Scientist Fellows

by Oliver Childs | Analysis

1 August 2012

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This post is 12 years old, so some information may be outdated

Translating a ‘eureka’ moment in the laboratory into new medical advances for cancer patients is never easy. But thanks to the support of the public, we’re experts at it.

And today we’re pleased to introduce four new members of our team of over 4,000 doctors, scientists and nurses around the UK.

All four have the rare potential not only to excel in the clinic – treating and caring for patients – but also to carry out innovative research into cancer. This combination of clinical acumen and research expertise is crucial to help us bridge the gap between the lab bench and the patient’s bedside.

Thanks to our thousands of supporters who help us in countless ways – from dropping off a bag of clothes at a Cancer Research UK shop to sponsoring a friend a couple of pounds – we’ve been able to invest £2.75 million in the following Clinician Scientist Fellowships. (This comes hot on the heels of last month’s announcement of an £11 million investment into some of the brightest minds in cancer research.)

You can learn more about each of the new clinician scientist fellows work by clicking on the photos:

Holger Auner

Dr Holger Auner is working on new ways to treat multiple myeloma
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James O’Connor

Dr James O’Connor is developing a sophisticated imaging technique to monitor tumours during treatment
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Prabhakar Rajan

Dr Prabhakar Rajan is finding ways to treat prostate cancer that has spread
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Sean Lim

Dr Sean Lim is investigating how to coax the immune system to seek and destroy tumour cells
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Investing in problem solvers

This investment will provide four years of funding to each of the talented medical professionals to help them be ready to then run their own independent research groups. It will allow them hone their research skills by pursuing their own scientific projects alongside their day-to-day work with cancer patients. The money will pay for salaries, vital lab equipment and other day-to-day costs associated with the research.

Our Clinician Scientists are the people who see clinical problems that need solving, and then do research to find solutions. They act as crucial links between learning about cancer and finding ways to beat it. Finding people who combine both these skills is a challenge akin to finding a Formula One mechanic who doesn’t just understand the intricate working of engines but can also race cars.

We welcome each of them to the team, and wish them success in their work fighting cancer.