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Cancer Research Matters – Side effects and sub-types

by Phil Prime | Podcast

6 September 2022

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Cancer Research Matters provokes conversation around cancer science, how it shapes our understanding of the disease and the challenges we face as we develop therapies.

This entry is part 6 of 9 in the series Cancer Research Matters - series 1
Series Navigation<< Cancer Research Matters – Complexity and understandingCancer Research Matters – Stigma, hope and TRACERx >>

Cancer Research Matters provokes conversation around cancer science, how it shapes our understanding of the disease and the challenges we face as we develop therapies.

The first series focusses on the 20th anniversary of CRUK – we’ll be winding back the clock on some of the great discoveries and breakthroughs made in the past two decades and asking some leading names where they think we’ll be in another 20 years.

This episode features Professor Richard Gilbertson. Richard is a paediatric oncology clinician scientist and is the Director of the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Centre. He has dedicated his career to understanding childhood brain tumours and is perhaps known best for his work identifying different types of medulloblastoma and ependymoma – two of the most common kinds of childhood brain tumour.

He talks about the challenges and successes of the childhood cancer research community, how he sees the future of the field and some of the incredible breakthroughs his lab has made on childhood brain cancers.

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Further reading

WNT signalling and brain cancer

Read about CRUK’s data strategy

Data strategy